▶Life Team ▶Beauty of Life ▶Defending Life ▶Beginning of Life ▶End of Life ▶Suicide
Life is beautiful!
- The glorious sunrises and majestic sunsets, the crystal-clear moon and star-lit nights with which we are blessed,
- The fresh smell of the desert air following a rainfall,
- The magnificent vistas which we experience daily,
- The beautiful cacti, trees, flowers and bushes with which we are surrounded,
- The amazing wildlife living in our midst (who, for example, doesn’t love seeing a mother javelina leading her babies through the desert, or a hummingbird approaching her feeder?),
- The community gathered around a handsome groom and beautiful bride as they are joined as husband and wife,
- The first ultrasound of a baby developing in the mother’s womb,
- The newborn baby,
- The young child sitting on the lap of his/her mother/father with a book in hand, and the same child running into the embrace of his/her grandparents,
- The unconditional love of parents and grandparents toward their children/grandchildren,
- A child’s growth and development into a young adult,
- People at their jobs helping to meet the needs of others while providing for their families and themselves,
- Multiple generations gathered together to celebrate holidays and milestone events,
- People sacrificially loving and serving those with disabilities and chronic illnesses,
- People being there for others who are grieving,
and so many other examples!
God’s creation is indeed very good and beautiful! No doubt, there is much ugliness, sorrow and sadness in our world. This is due to human sin, stemming from the fall of Adam. The good news is that God sent His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to take on human flesh in His mother’s womb, to grow into adulthood and die on the Cross to forgive our sins, and to rise again to declare us right with God the Father, making that which had become ugly once again beautiful! Like streams of water that bring the beauty of life to the dry desert, God continually showers us with His blessings, offering hope through His forgiveness and love.
Life is important and beautiful to God and thus is important and beautiful to us. At Catalina Lutheran Church, we proclaim and celebrate the beauty of life, particularly human life, from the time a new single-cell embryo is formed, into eternity. To help unpack this, we offer the material on our webpage, for your consideration. Note that we are constantly updating the page and adding new material, so keep checking back! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are very glad that you are here and pray God’s richest blessings on you as you reflect on the beauty of life!
For a deeper look into the concept of the beauty of life, click here.