
A Marriage Feast at Cana by Jyoti Sahi

Epiphany 2

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Jesus, the Father’s Chosen One, in whom He delights

Baptism of Jesus by Sadao Watanabe

Today’s Gospel reading certainly lays the groundwork for pastors answering the plea to see or hear Jesus. When we ponder the Lord’s Words that frame the Epiphany weeks, His appearance should become clearer to us. We begin that by considering how the Sundays of this season of growth and new life began today. We heard the Voice from Heaven say something like this:
This One remains My Son, the Beloved, in Whom I (am) well pleased. …For more, click on the title above

The Tale of Two Kings

Three Wise Men and The Star by Diane McClary

As we journey tonight to see the King of the Jews through this narrative, we can focus on who Christ is.

Click the title for the full sermon.