Tag: Pastor Morehouse
Beautifully Built Into One In the Consolation of Christ
Today’s texts … serve to turn the faithful hearers to what God calls us to do as we await that Day of Judgement. That is, we are called to be beautifully built into one. This is done for the faithful as we hear of ourconsolation in Christ. That becomes ours as our lamps continue to be filled with the oil God gives, His Word and Sacraments which He uses to illuminate our lives with the Light of Salvation.
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Given a Love for Jesus
While in her mortal flesh, Linda lived without fear concerning her eternal home. That is because she knew, believed, and lived her life following Christ.
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Trinity 24 Wednesday
God, Through His Word, Carries Out Good Work In You the Faithful
For I am convinced of this, that the One, Who having begun (a) good work in all of you, will carry (it) to completion unto the Day of Christ Jesus.
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Unity in the struggle against Satan
Today’s readings have been proclaimed in St. Michaeltide. This is the time of year when the members of the Church are particularly called by the weekly lectionary texts to remember that Satan has been cast out of heaven. We behold him as a fierce, though defeated enemy. While that is a frightening prospect, it also can be comforting for the faithful to annually hear that Satan can no longer accuse them before God….For more, click on the title above.
Trinity 20 Wednesday
The days remain evil: God’s people remain filled with the Spirit
The days remain evil. Those words were written to state a fact to a Christian congregation in an ancient city. It was a timely letter, that reminded the faithful that, despite the evil in the fallen world, they had certainty in God’s Word to behold God’s will in, for, and through their lives. That means that God’s people remain filled with the Spirit….For more, click on the title above.
Trinity 19 Wednesday
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The Forgiven Life
A theme for this 19th Sunday after Trinity has again been developed from the Word of God in our pericopes (cuttings from Scripture) that have been proclaimed today. That theme is offered into your ears for this day. It is:
Repentant sinners who believe that they are forgiven by God then live under forgiveness.
That was stated as a reminder of that which should be done through the work of our Lutheran Women in Mission. The Word of God calls them to work in godly love to enable and assist the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Theirs is the same work that is to be done by all our congregation’s auxiliary groups. …For more, click on the title above.