Sunday, May 15, 2016, Hymns
Pentecost (Festival Service)
Processional Hymn: LSB #501, “Come Down, O Love Divine”
Psalm Hymn: LSB #908, “Lord, Open Now My Heart”
Gradual Hymn: LSB #497, “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”
Creed Hymn: LSB 223-225, “Te Deum”
Sanctus Hymn: LSB #960, “Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #489, “Hail Thee, Festival Day”
LSB #496, “Holy Spirit, Light Divine”
LSB #629, “What Is This Bread”
LSB #504, “Father Most Holy”
5PM Hymn: LSB #888, “O Gladsome Light, O Grace”
Please note the above links will open a separate window with an MP3 recording of the hymn from a shared Google folder. You can also access additional information related to the composer history, hymn texts, scripture references, additional recordings, and much more related to the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), available at