Sunday, February 28, 2021, Hymns
Lent 2 – Reminiscere (LSB Divine Service – Setting 3)
Hymn of Invocation: LSB #734, “I Trust, O Lord, Your Holy Name”
Hymn of the Day: LSB #615, “When in the Hour of Deepest Need”
Lenten Hymn: LSB #421, “Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #779, “Come, My Soul, with Every Care”
LSB #579, “The Law of God Is Good and Wise”
LSB #420, “Christ the Life of All the Living”
LSB #632, “O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee”
Evening Hymn: LSB #919, “Abide, O Dearest Jesus” (5 PM Only)