Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion from Ephesians 2. There is more than an alteration from citizen to soldier when each person begins basic training. They move from a nobody to a somebody in the Service. An analogy is made when St. Paul writes that “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” We, as Operation Barnabas members are to reach out to a world of “nobodies” and tell and share the Good News of salvation.
The Pinal County Stand Down is Nov. 13 at Coolidge, AZ at the HOHP Veteran Transition Center. We will not be doing care backpacks, but we will be contacting the organizer and asking if there is anything we can assist with. Something we could do is donate the socks that are being collected for us at the LWML in-gathering on Oct. 3.
We are trying to contact our Chaplain Aaron Bell at Camp Pendleton to find out how we might help him. We will contact him again. Our first attempts failed.
Christie has said she would contact Wendy’s Collection Boutique for female Veterans and find out what we might gather for them. Things for sharing include jewelry, cosmetics, purses, nice scarves, and feminine hygiene items.
Boyd has been visiting with Bill T who requested companionship with another Veteran from O.B. Our website received a request for prayers and assistance for Darrell H, by his son Tim who lives in Haven, Kansas and attends an LCMS Church. We will try to connect.
We received word that we have been awarded a grant from the Veterans’ Donations Fund for a storage unit and shelving for our campus at CLC to house donations for Veterans. It amounts to $4,155. As soon as the check goes into the bank, we will move forward on ordering the shed and shelving.
Nov. 11th and the Veteran’s Day Celebration at Claire’s Cafe will include $15 food vouchers for Veterans to get a free meal. Also, there will be a pickle, jam and bake sale fundraiser. Pastor is planning commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at 11:00 A.M. All Church members and the community will be invited to attend.
Three of our members will be attending a National O.B. Conference in St. Louis, MO on Oct.18-22. They include: Christie & Boyd and Vicar.
Our next meeting will be Thurs., Oct. 14 at 10:00 at the Church. There will be a pickle and jam sale fundraiser at both divine services at CLC on Oct. 17.
Pastor closed out the meeting with a prayer for the families of the soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan on Aug. 26. He also did a military roll call for each soldier.
In His Service,