Notes from the Oct 14 Operation Barnabas Chapter Meeting

Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion on whether members of the military should have autonomy when it comes to getting vaccinated for the good of their fellow soldiers.  The LCMS’ stand on this issue is that we all belong to the body of Christ.  There should be no division from its members—if one suffers, we all work together to alleviate that pain.  That includes getting vaccinated for the good of all.  Operation Barnabas is part of that body which reaches out to heal every member of the military without any personal agenda.

Those in attendance at the meeting were Pastor & Marty, Boyd & Christie, Bruce, Larry, Vicar, and Dawn.

We are acting on a request from an Army Veteran who is needing help with filing for disability from the V.A.  He will be directed to a legal aid or lawyer who can help him fill out the paperwork.  The DAV or VFW will be called upon to recommend the correct procedure for accomplishing this.  This Veteran is also in need of a full or queen-sized bed for his apartment.  We will continue searching for a donation of this furniture.

We will not be present at the Pinal County Stand Down on Nov. 13 in Coolidge.  A donation of clothing, 100 prs. of new socks (from the LWML in-gathering), and reading and sun glasses will be delivered before Nov. 13.

Plans are to send our adopted Chaplain Aaron Bell, a Thanksgiving card and a gift card for personal expenses.  He doesn’t seem to need any materials to carry out his duties, but our encouragement and prayers can boost his morale over the holidays.

The Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day agenda was discussed.  It will be held from 7:00-12:00 noon at Claire’s Café with a pickle, jam, and bake sale.  A $15 food voucher will be handed out to the first 40 Veterans who want to eat breakfast or lunch.  Pastor will be holding a ceremony outside Claire’s at 11:00 A.M. commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Interment of the Unknown Soldier.  All Church members and the community will be invited to attend.

Marty is working on ordering our metal shed for the back parking lot on the Church campus.  We received the money from an Arizona Veteran’s Donation Fund.  Some of our members will help with moving the parking curbs so the shed will fit in the selected space.  Shelving will be ordered as soon as the shed is situated.

The pickle and jam sale is scheduled for Sunday after the morning service and before the evening service.  

Vicar closed the meeting with a prayer for the safe travels of Boyd, Christie and himself as they travel to the O.B. National Convention in St. Louis. October 18-22.  Our next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 9 at 10:00 at the Church.

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