OB Meeting 8/15/24

Warning Order and opening prayer


Old business

  1. Claire’s Cafe in Catalina shut down this year, so we will need a new venue for Veterans’ Day. Some possibles:
  • Mi Tierra
  • Rancheros Market

Discussion included the possible acquisition of a sandwich board to advertise the Veterans’ Day bake sale and service.

New business

  1. News about Lieutenant Commander Aaron Bell, Chaplain USN

Bruce reported on the upcoming 10 year anniversary of LtCdr Bell (one of our adopted Chaplains) in the Chaplaincy.

Dawn will bring a card for us all to sign at our September 19 meeting.

  1. Mental health challenges among veterans

Dawn spoke to the group about a presentation she watched by a veteran with PTSD. The numbers of veterans who struggle with a variety of mental health issues is quite high, and the presentation offered ideas to help veterans who are dealing with these issues.

Also, Dawn mentioned a Veterans Resource Fair, on October 9 in Tucson. More details to come.

Pastor suggested each of us look at the information presented on the website for PSYCH/ARMOR (https://psycharmor.org/).

  1. Review of OB annual activities

As a way of introducing Vicar to our ministry, the group discussed a variety of annual events and activities in which we participate, including:

  • TVSV Stand-down
  • Bake Sale at CLC
  • Veterans’ Day bake sale and service
  • Wreaths Across America
  • Hosting CLC fellowship for Memorial Day (and/or Armed Forces Day)
  1. LWML grant

The grant will likely be delivered some time around the new year. The funds will be used to purchase gas and food cards for women veterans.

  1. Esperanza en Escalante

Boyd will arrange with Marty and Vicar to go as a group to EEE, the next time we drop off donations.


Marty reports that OB has $2,615.89 in our account. The last activity was a $20.00 deposit in June.

Other business

PSW District might be opening a veteran service location in the Tucson area. We will watch for more information.

Next meeting

Next meeting will be September 19.

Closing prayer


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