Warning Order and opening prayer
Old business
- Claire’s Cafe in Catalina shut down this year, so we will need a new venue for Veterans’ Day. Some possibles:
- Mi Tierra
- Rancheros Market
Discussion included the possible acquisition of a sandwich board to advertise the Veterans’ Day bake sale and service.
New business
- News about Lieutenant Commander Aaron Bell, Chaplain USN
Bruce reported on the upcoming 10 year anniversary of LtCdr Bell (one of our adopted Chaplains) in the Chaplaincy.
Dawn will bring a card for us all to sign at our September 19 meeting.
- Mental health challenges among veterans
Dawn spoke to the group about a presentation she watched by a veteran with PTSD. The numbers of veterans who struggle with a variety of mental health issues is quite high, and the presentation offered ideas to help veterans who are dealing with these issues.
Also, Dawn mentioned a Veterans Resource Fair, on October 9 in Tucson. More details to come.
Pastor suggested each of us look at the information presented on the website for PSYCH/ARMOR (https://psycharmor.org/).
- Review of OB annual activities
As a way of introducing Vicar to our ministry, the group discussed a variety of annual events and activities in which we participate, including:
- TVSV Stand-down
- Bake Sale at CLC
- Veterans’ Day bake sale and service
- Wreaths Across America
- Hosting CLC fellowship for Memorial Day (and/or Armed Forces Day)
- LWML grant
The grant will likely be delivered some time around the new year. The funds will be used to purchase gas and food cards for women veterans.
- Esperanza en Escalante
Boyd will arrange with Marty and Vicar to go as a group to EEE, the next time we drop off donations.
Marty reports that OB has $2,615.89 in our account. The last activity was a $20.00 deposit in June.
Other business
PSW District might be opening a veteran service location in the Tucson area. We will watch for more information.
Next meeting
Next meeting will be September 19.
Closing prayer