Warning Order and opening prayer
Old business
- The LWML grant ($3000) is on its way. Discussion followed about making arrangements to present the award (as gift cards) to women veterans via the Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) at the VA.
- We will request that the presentation of the check to our OB chapter be conducted at the end of a Divine Service.
- The group decided to purchase 20 Fry’s cards for $150 each, which can be used for food/gas/et al.
- The group also decided to include religious/devotional materials with the Fry’s cards.
- We hope to do an in-person presentation at CDCE, and make a small event of it (perhaps with refreshments).
- Dawn will contact CDCE to make arrangements, when we have the check in-hand.
- Stand-down (March 5 at the Ramada Inn in Tucson)
- We have set dates for our preparations (all are invited to participate as you are able):
- January 19 – Boyd will place a list of needed items in our members’ boxes at CLC
- January 21, 10am – sort donated men’s clothing items in the storage shed at CLC
- February 16 – deadline for donations
- February 17, 10am – sort and count items for care packages
- February 18, time TBD – shopping trip to purchase items to complete care packages
- February 27, 1pm – OB meeting and prepare care packages
- March 5, 8am – Stand-down
- Additional tasks:
- Purchase ~100 2.5 gallon ziplock bags (Boyd)
- Purchase backpacks (Bruce)
- Purchase lanyards and prepare name tags (Christie will research)
- Purchase religious books for children (Boyd & Christie)
- Purchase 50 McDonald’s gift cards, $20 each (Dawn)
- Contact Ascension, Faith, Risen Savior, and Peace in the Valley churches to see if they wish to donate for the Stand-down (Boyd)
- Transport bags and banners to Stand-down (Boyd and seeking volunteers)
- Transport cookies to Stand-down (Dawn)
- Transport table cloths to Stand-down (Dawn)
New business
- Dawn shared an item about LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces in a recent issue of Lutherans Engage.
- Bruce shared some calendars and pocket-sized tools he received from VFW.
We will have an update at the next meeting.
Next meeting
Next meeting will be 27 February 2025, at 1pm.
Closing prayer
The closing prayer included a prayer for a great nephew of Mike & Tammy. He is training at the US Army’s 160th SOAR.