Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business Dawn reported to the group that Tractor Supply in Catalina would allow her to set up a sale in front of their store. She may pursue this opportunity at a future date. We will load tables and chairs into Mike’s truck on Sunday afternoon, November 10. We… Continue reading OB Meeting 10/24/24
Author: Boyd Trolinger
OB Meeting 9/19/24
Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business New business Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV) is still working on securing a venue for the Stand-down. Expect an update from the October TVSV meeting. Marty, Vicar, and Boyd recently made a drop-off of men’s clothing to EEE. EEE staff told us that they are now accepting… Continue reading OB Meeting 9/19/24
OB Meeting 8/15/24
Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business Discussion included the possible acquisition of a sandwich board to advertise the Veterans’ Day bake sale and service. New business Bruce reported on the upcoming 10 year anniversary of LtCdr Bell (one of our adopted Chaplains) in the Chaplaincy. Dawn will bring a card for us all… Continue reading OB Meeting 8/15/24
OB Meeting 5/16/24
Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business Boyd will pick up the cake. Kathy will supplement with crackers/cheese/nuts or the like. Catalina Elks Lodge has offered us tables at their Veterans’ Day event. They are serving breakfast at their event. After brief discussion we decided to decline the offer, as we prefer to support… Continue reading OB Meeting 5/16/24