Why Easter? Jesus Answers and Says: “Behold Your Family”

Behold, your Son by Annabelle DB

Jesus, then beholding the Mother and the disciple standing alongside, whom He loved, said to the Mother: “O woman, behold your son.” Then He says to the disciple, “Behold your Mother.” And, from that hour, the disciple took her into his own.

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Thy Will Be Done

Even the Dogs by Rev. Isaac Wirtz

“Mankind has always been deeply infatuated with human will. A person’s course of action and direction in life is guided by their will. The thoughts, feelings, and desires of a person manifest externally when someone works with and even against the world around them. ”
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Compassionate Employer

Moses striking the Rock by He Qi

…But this heavenly reward is not based on the earthly system of earnings. Jesus says, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
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Showing His holiness

Transfiguration of Jesus by Anna Makac

We only understand the events of the Transfiguration when we keep in mind what happened 6 days prior…
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Presentation of Our Lord

Presentation at the temple by Ambrogio Lorenzetti

The church treasures the past because it is only in looking at the past that she views her future.
As the church moves forward she always does so facing backward. Not face- first, but back-first, she marches onward toward the Omega, the final goal of her existence.
We don’t do this because we liked it better in the years gone by, nor because we long for the “good old days,” nor, because we are afraid of the future.
Because with God as our Protector we need not fear any adversary.

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Temple To Temple

Jesus in the Temple by Heinrich Hoffmann

The temple Sanctuary was made Holy by the very presence of God. It was the House of God where He resided on earth to be present and dwell with His people.

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He received her into His eternal presence

I am The Way, The Truth, The Life by J.&R. Lamb Studios

She (June) whom God, through His Word and Sacraments, empowered throughout her mortal life to stand firm in the Faith, has begun to receive the inheritance Jesus died to grant her.

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