Author: catlutheran
Where do we give thanks and what do we give thanks for?
…it wasn’t until 1863 that Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation made it a yearly event. Lincoln decreed, “In every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer to our beneficent Father who
dwelleth in the heavens.”
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Beautifully Built Into One In the Consolation of Christ
Today’s texts … serve to turn the faithful hearers to what God calls us to do as we await that Day of Judgement. That is, we are called to be beautifully built into one. This is done for the faithful as we hear of ourconsolation in Christ. That becomes ours as our lamps continue to be filled with the oil God gives, His Word and Sacraments which He uses to illuminate our lives with the Light of Salvation.
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Given a Love for Jesus
While in her mortal flesh, Linda lived without fear concerning her eternal home. That is because she knew, believed, and lived her life following Christ.
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Hurry Up and Wait
Every distinctive period in history has its own defining spirit for its time. It’s an invisible force that captures the intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of any era. The Germans embodied this idea with the term zeitgeist. What then, is the current zeitgeist of our time?
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Trinity 24 Wednesday
“What Is the Will of God?”
“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding…”
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Our Conversation is in Heaven
When our text says: “Our conversation is in Heaven” it means that our home is in Heaven, and that our way of life is also heavenly.
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The Eternal Gospel Brings Eternal Life
The Reformation was not anything new, it was a return to the way things were. It was guided by an unchanging, pure, and eternal Gospel given through Scripture and uncorrupted by man and traditions.
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God, Through His Word, Carries Out Good Work In You the Faithful
For I am convinced of this, that the One, Who having begun (a) good work in all of you, will carry (it) to completion unto the Day of Christ Jesus.
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