What Does It Mean to be Lutheran in America?: Discord in the LCMS in the 1960s and 1970s This workshop is an examination and analysis of the controversy within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the 1960s and 1970s with attention to doctrinal issues and church-political developments in the Synod. The discussion will chart the… Continue reading Prof Insights: Faculty-Led Workshop – Professor Bode in Tucson, AZ
Category: Events
Tucson Stand down March 2024
Another successful Stand Down took place on Wednesday at the Ramada Inn. Approximately 100 needy Veterans and families came by our table to receive our resources. Forty Bibles were handed out and the cookies disappeared quickly. Many came by to try on the readers and sunglasses. The excess glasses were given to the Hope Institute… Continue reading Tucson Stand down March 2024
Family Vacation Bible School
You and your family are invited to join us for a week of Vacation Bible School. Meet each evening at 5:45 for food and fun learning.
Healing from Church Initiative on Vimeo. Amy’s Story from Church Initiative on Vimeo.
Grief Support Sessions Beginning
LWML Fall Rally 2022
Family Vacation Bible School
You and your family members are invited to join us for a week of Vacation Bible School. Meet each evening at 5:45 for food and fun learning.
StandDown Success
Operation Barnabas had a great group of members who worked hard to make the Tucson StandDown, March 16, 2022, a successful event. Those in attendance were Marty, Vicar Steffensen, Mary Jane, Tammy, Mike & Laura, Lynette, and Russ & Dawn. Twenty-five Bibles were handed out and many homemade cookies and eyeglasses. All 50 adult hygiene… Continue reading StandDown Success
English District Gala
March for Life – Oracle
Join Catalina Lutheran Church’s Life Team for the March for Life – Oracle, Saturday March 7, 2020. Meet at Family First Pregnancy Care Center, 8AM, 1575 West American Ave, Oracle, AZ. Register for the March at http://familyfirstpcc.org/march_for_life/march_for_life_registration