Hurry Up and Wait

Last Judgment with Separation of the Sheep and Goats by Gerard de Jode after Maarten de Vos

Every distinctive period in history has its own defining spirit for its time. It’s an invisible force that captures the intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of any era. The Germans embodied this idea with the term zeitgeist. What then, is the current zeitgeist of our time?

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Trinity 24

Christ healing a bleeding woman, as depicted in the Roman Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter
Sermon for the 24th Sunday after Trinity 11/10/24

Trinity 24_2024

Christ healing a bleeding woman, as depicted in the Roman Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter

Trinity 24

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Our Conversation is in Heaven

The Tribute Money by Peter Paul Rubens

When our text says: “Our conversation is in Heaven” it means that our home is in Heaven, and that our way of life is also heavenly.

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Trinity 23_2024

The Tribute Money by Peter Paul Rubens

Trinity 23

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The Eternal Gospel Brings Eternal Life

Luther Seal Wallpaper, Background Built on the Rock,

The Reformation was not anything new, it was a return to the way things were. It was guided by an unchanging, pure, and eternal Gospel given through Scripture and uncorrupted by man and traditions.

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Luther Seal Wallpaper, Background Built on the Rock,

Festival of the Reformation

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Trinity 22_2024

Filled with the Fruit of Righteousness by Dushi Lawrence Used with permission:

Trinity 22

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