Epiphany 1_2023

Baptism of Jesus. Stained glass

1st Sunday after Epiphany – Baptism of Our Lord

….Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Jesus’ beautiful baptism fitting to fulfill all righteousness

Baptism of Jesus. Stained glass

It is His Presence that we celebrate at every gathering of any Lord’s Service to us. It is Who He was, is, and ever shall be that the Word of God continually places before us. It is He, Jesus, Whom we are called to receive in the Faith on account of God’s grace toward us, sinners though we continue to be.
That is why days such as today have a prominent position in the life of the New Testament Church. In today’s readings we hear of the prophecy concerning God’s Son, and its fulfillment in Jesus. That is why the Baptism of our Lord is remembered in the rightly confessing Church during Epiphanytide each year. This is one day of the Year in which we are given to specifically hear that Jesus’ beautiful Baptism remains necessary to fulfill all righteousness. …for more, click on the title above.

Wise men still seek Him

Nativity iii by Becky Thorns

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, on this day, Epiphany, we celebrate Christ’s revealing of Himself to the gentiles, the magi. The word “epiphany” literally means “reveal,” and we can see it used by people of all kinds with that meaning. Yet, today we focus our attention on the magi who visit our Lord….For more, click on the text above.