Holy Week Wednesday
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Gospel Preaching – Bible Teaching – Tucson, AZ
Holy Week Wednesday
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When Jesus returned from Bethany on Tuesday morning the priests and the scribes have been chewing on this incident at the Temple all night long. They approach Jesus and say,
“By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority?” Their rage had been building and now they have decided to put Jesus to the test. Aside from these questions about authority, there are three specific tests administered to Jesus on this day by three different groups. For more, click on the title above.
Holy Week Tuesday
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Holy Week traditionally has begun with Processionals such as today’s. Such Holy Week Palm Processionals were drawn by the faithful from Christian schools. They moved them into the Lord’s Services back in the high middle ages. Processionals served to remind those who bear God’s Name that the Day of Christ’s Triumphal entry into Jerusalem began to publicly, outwardly, reveal the Truth of His Kingdom and how it was to come into the world….For more, click on the title above.
Palm Sunday (Palmarum)
…Click on the above title for the bulletin.