Throughout this Lent we are looking at various Gentile Confessions of Christ. First stop: Jacob’s well in the village of Sychar. It’s high noon, the sixth hour. Jesus is hot, tired, and thirsty. The disciples went ahead to the town and get some food and so the only one there with Jesus is this Samaritan woman. And a conversation ensues…For more, click on the title above.
Tag: Lent
Lent 1 Wednesday 2023
Lent 1 Wednesday
…Click on the above title for the bulletin.
Christ’s victories over temptations common to man
The First Sunday in, but not of, Lent begins this day in the Church as it has for centuries. That is, the faithful, you, continue to hear proclamations of Christ’s victories over temptations that occurred in a wilderness long ago. On Lent I, the Son of God’s besting humankind’s old evil foe is declared.
Out of that eternal reality, we are called again to remember that Jesus’ facing and victorying over temptation happened just before He began His earthly, incarnate, public ministry….Fore more, click on the title above.
Lent 1 (Invocabit) 2023
Lent 1 (Invocabit)
…Click on the above title for the bulletin.
Called by Jesus to turn one’s heart focus from self to God
Our sermon for this Ash Wednesday has been drawn forth from our inspired readings. In them, today, you are being called by Jesus to turn your heart focus from self to God. This day, we pray that your heart-thoughts would be guided by the following dynamically translated verse:
Where your treasure remains, there your heart remains. …for more, click on the title above.
Ash Wednesday 2023
Ash Wednesday
…Click on the above title for the bulletin.