How are you doing with staying daily heavenly minded while doing earthly good? This can be tough, as you are continually bombarded by reports of worldly realities that seem to communicate, “The sky is falling!”
How are you handling the satanic and fallen worldly messages that continue to rail against the clear, beautiful, and graceful messages of Scripture that come to the hearers of God’s Word from the right division of Law and Gospel?
Those among us who truly and honestly answered those questions likely confessed that you are not doing well, to say the least….For more, click on the title above.
Tag: Pastor Morehouse
God’s sacrificial love endures forever
Reflecting the steadfast love of the Great I AM
As many of you heard from Pastor von Hindenburg last week when he referred to a recent Bible study: ”God is love… He does not desire the death of a sinner, but rather that he would turn from his wicked way and live.” That is true.
Even so, the Divine love of which we speak in the One True Church is not how the world understands that word, love. …For more, click on the title above.
The church in Christ speaks one language to all nations
Fifty days have passed since our celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. According to ancient calendars brought into our day, this is the third great feast of the Church Year. In the Israelite tradition, Pentecost had been held 50 days, that is, seven weeks plus one day, after the wave offering of the barley sheaf during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:15-16). It was also called the Feast of Harvest (Ex. 23:16; cf. 34:22) and, “The day of first fruits…“(Num. 28:26)….For more, click on the title above.
Remain in sacrificial love, sharing it in prayer
The Epistle reading for today, in its original language, appears to be divided into just three sentences. It is composed of just 81 words that are recorded in texts with the
best testimony as to that which was long ago contained in the Autographs. (Those are the original New Testament manuscripts of the Apostles and Evangelists).
As today’s I Peter text is combined with the other readings chosen long ago for public proclamation on this day named Exaudi, that is, “’Hear,” Sunday, the Holy Spirit continues to use it to call the faithful to continue clinging to God’s Word. We are freed to do so with the biblical surety that He does hear us….For more, click on the title above.
The peace that surpasses every human mind
Today, that you might hear what the assembled pastors and other professional Church workers heard at Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zionsville, IN, the text of that sermon with be soon proclaimed from this pulpit. This is, in part, because pastors that are called to this congregation are responsible to inform our members of that which we are asked to proclaim elsewhere.
Before that, though, it can be helpful for us to remember that, during this week of the Church Year, God’s Word leads us into an annual time that is specifically set aside for prayer. …For more, click on the title above.
United in the promise of their Resurrection inheritance
The sermon for this celebration of Ryan and Jessica’s one-flesh union in Christ is drawn from the inspired readings chosen for today. Those have been entering our ears through the Lord’s Service. In addition, from our mouths, by means of the hymns Ryan and Jessica chose for us to sing this day, we have also been proclaiming God’s Good News to one another. From and out of all of that which is in the Lord’s Service to us today, we are now led into hearing this joyful day’s central theme text:
No longer (do) they remain two, but one flesh. That which the God has yoked together, man must not separate. …For more, click on the title above.
Truly special people in the eyes of the Lord
Today’s ancient order of readings points you, the believer, to the sure and certain hope that the central message of Holy Scripture declares. This is another Sunday, among the 52 each year, that is God’s gift to you. This day is especially for you who are numbered among the people continually confessing Christ-crucified for the forgiveness of all your sins….For more, click on the title above.
The beautiful Shepherd calls His people
The beautiful shepherd of the soul
What is the traditional nickname for this Sunday of the Church Year?
Yes, it is, “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we are seen before God as sheep who have strayed—sinners all—and yet have been led back to the courtyard of the Faith by none other than Jesus Himself. That is the heart of today’s message, founded upon the eternal reality that the Beautiful Shepherd, Jesus, once laid down His life for us, then was raised from the dead, for us, for you!…For more, click on the title above.