Whit Tuesday: Remembering the gift of the Law

We, as Lutherans, believe that we receive through Baptism; forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death and the devil, and the promise of eternal salvation. We also know that none of these come about from our own doing—they are gifts. We receive the Holy Spirit through the water and the Word so that we might have faith to believe in the promises of God. These Samaritans had been baptized, but our text says they had not received the Holy Spirit….For more, click on the title above.

The church in Christ speaks one language to all nations

Detail of the Disciples at the Pentecost, Chapel of Saint John the Baptist by Agostino Masucci

Fifty days have passed since our celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. According to ancient calendars brought into our day, this is the third great feast of the Church Year. In the Israelite tradition, Pentecost had been held 50 days, that is, seven weeks plus one day, after the wave offering of the barley sheaf during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:15-16). It was also called the Feast of Harvest (Ex. 23:16; cf. 34:22) and, “The day of first fruits…“(Num. 28:26)….For more, click on the title above.


Detail of the Disciples at the Pentecost, Chapel of Saint John the Baptist by Agostino Masucci


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Pentecost Wednesday 2023

Title and Artist Unknown

Pentecost Wednesday
(Translated from Pentecost Tuesday)

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

God is a cheerful giver

Peace Church, Pentecost Art by Marni Maree

Today the Word of God has been heard. It is the same Word that, over history, in many human languages, the Holy Spirit has used to close out the Festival Half of the Church Year. Today’s Pentecost Feast brings to a fitting end the parts of the calendar that give to us the celebrations of the five Great Feasts of the Ancient Church….
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