Trinity_9 2023

The Unjust Steward by Nelly Bube

Ninth Sunday after Trinity

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LSB 707 Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways

LSB icon used with permission. (C) Concordia Publishing House

Lawrencetide: We have chosen LSB 707, Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways, as the seasonal hymn for the AD 2023 Lawrencetide portion of the long Trinity season.  Lawrencetide begins with the August 10 commemoration of Lawrence (225-258), Deacon and Martyr, and ends with the September 29 Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.… Continue reading LSB 707 Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways

Trinity_8 2023

Christ and the Fig Tree by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

Eighth Sunday after Trinity

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The Life of a Christian

Artist/Title Unknown

The Christian life begins, as does all life, at God’s will. When we walked on four legs, even at our conceptions, when we were first knit together in our mother’s wombs, each of us received God’s gracious gift of life. At that moment, when we were each a “clump of cells,” we were sinners in need of a Savior, and recipients of God’s gracious gift of life. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_7 2023

Artist/Title Unknown

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

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Baptized into the Death of Christ

CLC Bulletin Cover from July 12, 1998

Being baptized into Christ is not simply a dedication to the church. If it were, this language here in our text would be misleading or confusing. In baptism, we are buried with Him through baptism, so that we may be raised just as He is. Does this sound like mere dedication and a turning away from sin?
Now, there is surely a part of baptism that has to do with the community of the Church. In addition to being buried with Christ through baptism, you were baptized into the Body of Christ, the church. Why does St. Peter say baptism saves? Because in baptism you received the Holy Spirit, the Author of Faith….For more, click on the title above.