Trinity 2023

Trinity stained glass at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, PA

Feast of the Holy Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

The Church’s new song is not what some people think it is

!0 Virgins by Lu Lan

Again, today, the Lord of the Church has preserved His Church through another year. Throughout this “Year of the Psalm,” which is now a long-held Catalina Lutheran tradition, on most Sunday’s of the past year, God’s Word of Law and Gospel has been proclaimed from the Psalms. Through the declaration of the convicting, condemnning and killing Law, and, we pray, the predominance in our proclamation of the acquitting, atoning and enlivening Gospel, you, God’s people have been encouraged to behold Christ Jesus as the Psalms reveal Him. That is, as the One Who bore the full brunt of the Law that you might receive the full benefits of His Good News….For more, click on the title above

The Beautiful Crown of the Bible

"Every Eye Shall See" by Keith Clark

This passage from Matthew is no parable, but a description of the Final Judgement.
So, what does the text say about this judgement? Upon first hearing this story, it might seem that the judgement is based on a person’s good works. It is not.
First, when the text begins, after Christ sits on the Throne of His Glory, what does He do? He separates the people from one another as a shepherd separates sheep and goats. What happens next? He judges them. Their positions are already made clear before the judgement occurs, so you need not be afraid that you will not be counted among the sheep…For more, click on the title above.

Delivered for our sins and raised for our justification

The Creator of Man Who took on human flesh to be delivered for our sins and raised for our justification (that the faithful would believe, confess and know that we have been declared right with God) has brought us, once again, into the final division of the Trinity season. Its three weeks have been marked today with the special ways of proclaiming God’s Word that this congregation has used, for some time, to mark a seasonal change….for more, click on the title above.

Jesus reigns above all His enemies

Jesus reigns above all His enemies. That is good news for Jesus. That began for Him as He was suspended between heaven and earth—affixed to the wood of a cross long ago. It continued in His resurrection from the dead. That revealed that the last enemy of mankind, death, was then under His rule. Jesus’ reign was exalted above His enemies round about in His ascension to the position of all power, rule and authority over all things in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. His rule will reach its eternal fulfillment when Jesus returns on the clouds with power and glory in order to establish His everlasting kingdom. …For more, click on the title above

Christ has authority to forgive sins

Healing of the Paralytic (Athos) icon

Our text for today’s sermon comes from the Gospel reading which you heard just moments ago, these words:
“Which is easier to say, ‘your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘arise and walk?’ But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins—then He says to the paralytic, ‘rise, take up your mat, and go to your house.’ And having arisen, he went away to his house.”

Thus far our text. I will ask you the same question Christ asks the scribes in our reading. Which is easier to say? Your sins are forgiven, or arise and walk?
For more, click on the title above.

The righteous man, Jesus, is your sure and certain hope

This year, today is the third Sunday in the fourth part of the Trinity season. The weekly readings continue be proclaimed in order to turn their hearers hearts and minds to their emphasis on the power Christians are given to endure as we live under the cross, that which comes to us through the Faith of Jesus. The texts reveal the power of God that gives you strength in your struggle against the temptations of the world. They lead you to hear and believe that our victory against all those who oppose us, on account of the Faith we rightly confess is assured through the death and resurrection of the only truly righteous Man, Jesus the Christ…For more, click on the title above.