Unpacking the meaning of a parable

Artist Unknown

Sometimes when you begin a sermon you need to explain what the text you are preaching on is NOT about before you can say what it is about and how it applies to the hearers. I hope this helps, because the parable of the wicked, nasty tenants is one of those texts.
This parable of Jesus is not about an unfruitful vineyard. It is not about a vineyard that bore the wrong kind of fruit. This parable is not about the people of God who at times do not bear the fruit that they should be bearing. And so, we should not simplistically say that we are just like the tenant workers in that vineyard because we sometimes don’t bear fruit for God….For more, click on the title above.

Are you welcome at the Feast?

Artist Unknown

Jesus said, “Many are invited but few are elected.”
Do you remember how Jesus explains the parable we just heard? Me neither. That is because this is one of those that Jesus doesn’t explain. He gives the parable and keeps on talking. Most of the time it’s not a big deal. This is one of those times it’s not a big deal – the explanation of the parable is pretty obvious when we consider it in light of the rest of the Scriptures….For more, click on the ttile above

Trinity 20 2023

Artist Unknown

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Be of good courage, your sins are forgiven

Arise, Take Your Bed and Walk by Yongsung Kim

Be of good courage, your sins are forgiven! Today we sinners who have responded to God’s call to come to Him for rest and peace have neither neglected nor despised His Word. That is one reason why you each and all are present in this His Divine Service.
As part of our response to and preparation for hearing God’s Word, we have collectively prayed that God would, for the sake of His mercy, be gracious to us. In that, we were echoing the unspoken petition of a paralytic and those bearing him before Jesus long ago. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_19 2023

Arise, Take Your Bed and Walk by Yongsung Kim

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Hidden Teachings

The Pharisees and the Sadducees Come to Tempt Jesus by James Tissot

Jesus indicates that there is not one greatest commandment but two commandments which not only sum up the teaching of God in the Old Testament but form the heart of all biblical teaching. Why is it these two commandments are singled out? Are these commandments Law or are they Gospel? If they are Law, do they stand against Christ and His Christians to condemn first Christ as He would hang upon the tree or the Christian as they fail to live up to those commands? …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_18 2023

The Pharisees and the Sadducees Come to Tempt Jesus by James Tissot

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.