Thy Will Be Done

Even the Dogs by Rev. Isaac Wirtz

“Mankind has always been deeply infatuated with human will. A person’s course of action and direction in life is guided by their will. The thoughts, feelings, and desires of a person manifest externally when someone works with and even against the world around them. ”
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Look and see

Bartimaeus by Pamela Suran

Today we are looking forward to what happens 50 days from now on Easter Sunday. It’s the high point of the Church year where we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Leading up to that day we fast from our Alleluias and begin a time of preparation. Wednesday, after being marked with ashes, our focus shifts to repentance as we turn to God and place our backs to sin. …For more, click on the title above.

Compassionate Employer

Moses striking the Rock by He Qi

…But this heavenly reward is not based on the earthly system of earnings. Jesus says, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
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New Exodus

Moses striking the Rock by He Qi

In the reading today we can see the rebellious Israelites and their unpure desires deserving of death. Yet, by grace they were given life-giving water. Israel was on the path from a broken creation to a new creation. But to fully see what was happening in the reading, we need to start with what happened leading up to their encampment at Rephidim….For more, click on the title above.

Ordinary and mundane

The Healing of Naaman by G. Freman (Freeman), engraved in copper by J. Kip, from Blome's History of the Bible, 1701

Whether or not a person knows it, the one true God of heaven and earth is their God. Whether or not a person fully understands God’s dominion, the almighty God of creation has eternal authority over all things. Whether or not a person accepts the salvation bought back for them, our Redeemer has already paid the price to deliver all men from being thrown into the outer darkness, the place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth….For more, click on the title above.

Temple To Temple

Jesus in the Temple by Heinrich Hoffmann

The temple Sanctuary was made Holy by the very presence of God. It was the House of God where He resided on earth to be present and dwell with His people.

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The Tale of Two Kings

Three Wise Men and The Star by Diane McClary

As we journey tonight to see the King of the Jews through this narrative, we can focus on who Christ is.

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Light Verses Darkness

A Savior is Born by Wayne Pascall

The reality is that darkness isn’t anything. It’s the absence of light. It isn’t some opposing force to light that can push up against and overcome the Light.

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Why Christmas? Second Adam

Second Adam by Isaac DeBono

Why Christmas? Adam’s sin is inherited by you and needs the Second Adam to fulfill the law you can’t. This is the promise revealed in the flesh on Christmas morning.
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