Jesus is the Miracle Worker not a miracle worker

Jesus Christ Healing the Man Who Was Deaf and Dumb, Folio 86 of the Codex Palatinus Vindobonensis 485 (4th or 5th century), Austrian National Library, Vienna.

The reading today starts with a simple description of Jesus’ movements. It’s easy to pay little attention to these types of details. But the journey that Jesus is on needs more attention and is one of three interesting things happening in this short reading.
First, Jesus is making a long journey back to Israelite territory as He is continually moving away from the gathering crowds of people. Second, Jesus is instructing the people to not tell others about these miracles He’s performing. And the third point of interest that might draw the most attention, Jesus sighs or rather He groans, before He performs His healing act…. For more, click on the title above