When I am dead, then bury me in the tomb where the man of God is buried

The Jews Took Up Rocks to Stone Jesus by James Tissot

We, here, gather every week to hear our God speak to us through the Scriptures and the Pastor, to receive the blessings that really do come from the word of God, and to eat the very Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite what the World might think, we do not grow weary of this repetition. You and I have heard countless sermons about these three things and many sermons about all three things. So much so, that you may grow to expect at least one of these three things to appear in a sermon. It may be that you are surprised when a sermon does not contain one of these standbys that Lutheran teachers so often emphasis. …For more, click on the title above.

The Perfect Life

Take this Cup by Isaac DB

Sin lays at our door, always. Sin desires to rule over us, always. We are called by Christ to set a watch, always.
Nevertheless, knowing this, as we do, we leave the door unattended and sin walks in freely.

Strike the Shepherd

Praying in the Garden by Annabelle DB

Doesn’t Jesus say, over and over again, that He must fulfill all that has been written about Him in the Law and the Prophets?

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The Temptation of Christ (detail) by Joos de Momper

How many people gather together, in their day to day life, to contemplate higher things? How many people have the opportunity to think about the kind of things that we are thinking about today? It’s not very often, is it?

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Blind Beggars All

Love is Patient by Jen Norton

In today’s readings we hear of a God that is supernatural—that surpasses our conception of nature and her cycle. Promises of plenty, healing, peace, and virtuous attributes that extend beyond man’s life under heaven echo throughout time and place in each of the three texts. These Words we hear today are the waters that come flooding into our parched souls and bring true healing to our death-wracked bodies. It is not the nature of our God to leave empty things empty… For more, click on the title above

Soil Science

Parable of the Sower by Michael Mize

I’m sure you’ve heard this constantly, but it bears repeating: the Word does not change. Jesus does not change, the Word of God does not change, and the message of the Scriptures does not change. What is different in these four instances are the people to whom these Words are preached.

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St Timothy, Pastor and Confessor

Sermon for the feast of St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor, Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Today we celebrate and give thanks for the faith, confession, preaching, and service of our father in the faith, St. Timothy. This young man was chosen by Paul to replace his fellow slave Barnabas because of the great report of those Christian men living in Lystra and Iconium. This faith was not of his own doing or his own creation but it was the gift of those who came before him and suffered the things of a Christian life to deposit to Timothy the greatest gift given to man. Specifically, this was the gift of his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice who had accepted the revelation of Jesus Christ and become followers of the Way, teaching Timothy likewise. For more, click on the title above.

Peter’s Confessions

Icon of Saint Peter

Today we celebrate and give thanks for the faith given to St. Peter the Apostle. He is also called the Holy Father for his role in forming the early Christian communities, the Prince of the Apostles for his being chosen by Christ to aid in leading those who would confess the Faith, and, most simply, Simon. He was married and therefore a father in two senses: A father in his household and a father of those who would confess the Faith. His narrative in the Scriptures is one of opposites: at once he will boldly confess Christ and then quickly deny Christ, he will be praised and rebuked, he rejoices and he suffers. … For more, click on the title above.