We are not pagans

The Good Samaritan by Hannah Varghese, 2007

There are five men in our text today. The lawyer, the man from Jerusalem, the good Samaritan, the priest, and the Levite, but only two of them speak. One speaks out of self-righteousness and the other speaks rightly. What we are called to learn from the text today is this: We are the man coming from Jerusalem. Jesus is the good Samaritan. And the thieves are our sins and iniquities. Further, if we attempt to justify ourselves, we become the priest and the Levite….For more, click on the title above

Jesus works in His temple to bring sight and peace

Flevit super illam (He wept over it) by Enrique Simonet

In our text today we hear Jesus’ reaction to Jerusalem after His entry, which the church celebrates on Palm Sunday. Jesus knew what He would find. These are not the words of a man who is shocked. Rather, these are the words of a father who is grieved by the state of his child. Jesus weeps over the city for two reasons: her blindness to the things of peace and the wickedness that she has been working in her blindness. These are tears of pity intermingled with his kindness for knows what must take place for her redemption. …For more, click on the title above.