Our Case Statement…
At Catalina Lutheran Church, God has built upon the strong foundation of His Word and Sacraments, right teaching and godly preaching. This is God’s house and we are His people, a congregation of believers who care for each other and for our community – both across the street and across the globe. God’s mighty work is bringing more and more individuals and families to join us in worshiping Him and serving others. He is growing His church through us and we need more space to better serve Him.
We have a plan to construct new worship and office space that will share a common courtyard with our current building. We then will repurpose our current facility for classroom, worship support and fellowship needs. The cost for this project is great. We cannot accomplish this on our own.
But God, in his infinite mercy flowing from the cross, works through us to accomplish all things. This campaign is about more than a new church building. It’s about the legacy. Here we preach, teach and confess Christ crucified for the forgiveness of our sins, and it is in Him that we build this legacy, a beacon of Christ’s light on a hill, for all the community and the world to see and know for decades into centuries. Now is the time to begin.