Whit Tuesday: Remembering the gift of the Law

We, as Lutherans, believe that we receive through Baptism; forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death and the devil, and the promise of eternal salvation. We also know that none of these come about from our own doing—they are gifts. We receive the Holy Spirit through the water and the Word so that we might have faith to believe in the promises of God. These Samaritans had been baptized, but our text says they had not received the Holy Spirit….For more, click on the title above.

The church in Christ speaks one language to all nations

Detail of the Disciples at the Pentecost, Chapel of Saint John the Baptist by Agostino Masucci

Fifty days have passed since our celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. According to ancient calendars brought into our day, this is the third great feast of the Church Year. In the Israelite tradition, Pentecost had been held 50 days, that is, seven weeks plus one day, after the wave offering of the barley sheaf during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:15-16). It was also called the Feast of Harvest (Ex. 23:16; cf. 34:22) and, “The day of first fruits…“(Num. 28:26)….For more, click on the title above.

OB Meeting 5/16/24

Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business Boyd will pick up the cake. Kathy will supplement with crackers/cheese/nuts or the like. Catalina Elks Lodge has offered us tables at their Veterans’ Day event. They are serving breakfast at their event. After brief discussion we decided to decline the offer, as we prefer to support… Continue reading OB Meeting 5/16/24


Detail of the Disciples at the Pentecost, Chapel of Saint John the Baptist by Agostino Masucci


…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Remain in sacrificial love, sharing it in prayer

Descending Dove Symbol of the Holy Spirit Trinity Lutheran Church, Paola Kansas

The Epistle reading for today, in its original language, appears to be divided into just three sentences. It is composed of just 81 words that are recorded in texts with the
best testimony as to that which was long ago contained in the Autographs. (Those are the original New Testament manuscripts of the Apostles and Evangelists).
As today’s I Peter text is combined with the other readings chosen long ago for public proclamation on this day named Exaudi, that is, “’Hear,” Sunday, the Holy Spirit continues to use it to call the faithful to continue clinging to God’s Word. We are freed to do so with the biblical surety that He does hear us….For more, click on the title above.

Easter 7_2024

Descending Dove Symbol of the Holy Spirit Trinity Lutheran Church, Paola Kansas

Easter 7

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

The ascended Christ and the earthbound church

Artist and Title Unknown

We have this attitude about us sometimes, don’t we, when we’re approaching the apostles within the Scriptural narrative, that we are supposed to find a way to fold ourselves into them. That is, we’re supposed to identify with the apostles in some kind of Christological way. I can say that our lives are supposed to be cruciform, that is, grafted into Christ’s pattern of suffering and exemplifying His love. But that’s done through the power of the Holy Spirit and was a clear promise from the Father echoing throughout both the Old and the New Testaments. We have no such promise regarding the apostolic life. …For more, click on the title above.