‘I am with you and I will deliver you’

Tonight, because the remainder of our Gospel reading appointed for this evening covers Spy Wednesday—the day/night Judas plotted with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus, the Passover supper celebrated by Jesus with his disciples, and the arrest, crucifixion and burial of Jesus, all of which will be covered in various ways and forms during the remainder of our nightly services here at Catalina Lutheran Church, I have been moved by the Holy Spirit to speak about our Old Testament text appointed for this day from the prophet Jeremiah…For more, click on the title above.

A beautiful hymn concerning the humble servant-king

Our Lord’s Entry Into Jerusalem by Christopher Gosey

The Letter to the Philippians today began with this call to the faithful:
All of you must continue to think among yourselves, that which also (was) in Christ Jesus…:

From that call for the members of the congregation to be of one mind in the Truth that as Christ became a humble Servant for us, we are free to be humble servants to our neighbors. With that in mind, we were led to hear the lines that follow the call to be of one mind in the Church. …For more, click on the title above

Fear and loathing in the Garden of Gethsemane

One Man Should Die by Joy Miller

Today’s/tonight’s reading comes from St. Luke, St. Mark, and St. John, in that order. From Luke we hear of the arrest of Jesus in the darkness of the night. From Mark we learn about the fleeing of the disciples and a young man who runs away naked after almost having been detained in the Garden. And from St. John we become aware of the words spoken by Caiaphas, the Jewish High Priest, which would play out in Gospel clarity….For more, click on the title above.

Lent 5 Wednesday 2024

One Man Should Die by Joy Miller

Lent 5 Wednesday

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.