God Lovingly Gifts to Man–the Man of Faith Responds in Love

Heaven and Hell by Nelly Bube

For well more than five centuries, the Sunday Gospel readings drawn from the Evangelist Luke’s writings have annually been heard on the first five Sundays that follow the Feast of the Holy Trinity. The first three of those, beginning today, continue to declare a call to the hearers of God’s Word to be faithful in using the gifts God continues to give to them. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_1 2023

Heaven and Hell by Nelly Bube

First Sunday after Trinity

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Comfort in the face of Incomprehensible Ways

Trinity stained glass at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, PA

“O depth of riches, both the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements, and how incomprehensible are His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord? And who has been His counselor? Or who has first given to Him, that it shall be recompensed to him?”

Thus far our text. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, these few short verses are something I very much wish the average person would understand about God. Many problems people have with who God is and how He works could be dispelled by a good understanding of this text. Since probably the beginning of life after the fall, non-believers have been hung up on these aspects of Our God. …For more, click on the title above.

Jesus is at the center of the Trinity

Trinity stained glass at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, PA

Jesus – and this is so important in understanding Lutheran theology vs. other protestant theology – Jesus is at the center of the Trinity. He is the One who will bring you into the triune life of God…

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Trinity 2023

Trinity stained glass at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, PA

Feast of the Holy Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Pentecost Wednesday 2023

Title and Artist Unknown

Pentecost Wednesday
(Translated from Pentecost Tuesday)

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

God is a cheerful giver

Peace Church, Pentecost Art by Marni Maree

Today the Word of God has been heard. It is the same Word that, over history, in many human languages, the Holy Spirit has used to close out the Festival Half of the Church Year. Today’s Pentecost Feast brings to a fitting end the parts of the calendar that give to us the celebrations of the five Great Feasts of the Ancient Church….
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