Jesus’ Word keeps His disciples from being triggered

The Wind of the Holy Spirit by Cheri Dawson-Givens

Jesus’ words concerning all He had spoken have set the theme for this day. His purpose in revealing all He did—through dark sayings as well as in clear teaching—was to help keep His followers from stumbling into sin, misbelief and unbelief. His proclamation that we heard today serves to provide a fitting summary for the teachings contained in the Gospel readings chosen long ago for the 50 days of the Resurrection Season.

Easter 7 (Exaudi) 2023

The Wind of the Holy Spirit by Cheri Dawson-Givens

Easter 7 – Exaudi

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Where’s the Fanfare?

The Ascension by Giotto di Bondone

Our text for this evening’s meditation comes from the Gospel reading you heard just moments ago these words:
“And it came to pass in His blessing of them, he was separated from them and was carried up into heaven.”

Is that it? There has got to be more written about the Ascension of our Lord than that, right? Besides Luke, only one other Gospel writer records the Ascension, that being Mark. Perhaps Mark has more to say about it, because frankly, I was expecting a bit more fanfare out of something so glorious as the Ascension. …For more, click on the title above.

Ascension 2023

The Ascension by Giotto di Bondone

Feast of the Ascension

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.