Reasons for rejoicing

Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord by Lillian Delevoryas

The seven-week Resurrection season was given to the Church long ago. That was done that we might hear, every year, the glorious reasons we have for rejoicing,,,,For more, click on the title above.

Easter 4 (Jubilate) 2023

Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord by Lillian Delevoryas

Easter 4 – Jubilate

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Three special years following our beautiful Shepherd

Good Shepherd by Cláudio Pastro

On this Sunday long ago named, Misericordias Domini, “Of the mercy of the Lord,” (which is how the Latin version of the Introit may be translated) God has gathered us to behold the mercy He has continued to give us out of His Word and Sacraments. Today, we in God’s fold in this location are blessed to celebrate three special years of following our Beautiful Shepherd… For more, click on the title above.

Who are the blessed who do not see?

Jesus Appears to the Disciples by William Hole

Our text for this morning’s sermon is from the Gospel reading which you heard just moments ago, these words:
“Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen Me? Blessed are those not having seen, yet having believed.”

Thus far our text. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I want to do some damage control on behalf of Thomas, our brother in Christ. Thomas, called the Twin, is more infamously known as “Doubting Thomas,” and honestly, I find it a bit unfair. So, in the interest of restoring Thomas’ good name, let us consider some details of this well-known pericope.
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Can These Bones Live?

Jesus Appears to the Disciples by William Hole

What gives the bones life? It is the Word of God. At the command of God, the Word was and is preached, prophesied to each and every one of us, whether it was when we were yet in the womb, or after a lifetime of being tossed about, rattling in the hot dust of the valley. When that word was prophesied over our dry bones, life covered us. Sinews and flesh, muscle and blood, indeed the very Blood of Christ covered our bones, and we stood upright.

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