Sunday, March 4, 2018, Hymns
Lent 3 – Oculi (LSB Divine Service – Setting 3)
Entrance Hymn: LSB #691, “Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing”
Hymn of the Day: LSB #659, “Lord of Our Life”
Offering Hymn: LSB #427, “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #583, “God Has Spoken by His Prophets”
LSB #425, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”
LSB #533, “Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure Eternal”
LSB #706, “Love in Christ is Strong and Living”
Evening Hymn: LSB #922, “Go, My Children, with My Blessing” (5 PM Only)