Sunday, October 11, 2020, Hymns
18th Sunday after Trinity (LSB Divine Service – Setting 3)
Entrance Hymn: LSB #795, “Voices Raise to You We Offer”
Hymn of the Day: LSB #694, “Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower”
LWML Emphasis Hymn: LSB #855, “For All the Faithful Women”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #774, “Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy”
LSB #830, “Spread the Reign of God the Lord”
LSB #845, “Where Charity and Love Prevail”
LSB #919, “Abide, O Dearest Jesus”
Evening Hymn: LSB #919, “Abide, O Dearest Jesus” (5 PM Only)