Sunday, March 29, 2015, Hymns
Palm Sunday (Festival Service)
Processional Hymn: LSB #442, “All Glory, Laud, and Honor”
Gradual Hymn: LSB #438, “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth”
Creed Hymn: LSB #954, “We All Believe in One True God”
Sanctus Hymn: LSB #960, “Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #637, “Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord
LSB #539, “Christ is the World’s Redeemer”
LSB #420, “Christ, the Life of All the Living”
Recessional Hymn: LSB #420, “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”
Click here to use Better Noises, a product designed to help learn new/unfamiliar hymns from the Lutheran Service Book. Instead of trying to learn the melody of a hymn while it is being sung during a worship service, Better Noises offers an opportunity for LCMS attendees to familiarize themselves with LSB hymn melodies during the days prior to a church service.