Sunday, May 8, 2022, Hymns
Easter 4 – Jubilate (LSB Divine Service – Setting 3)
Entrance Hymn: LSB #795, “Voices Raised to You We Offer”
Gradual Hymn: LSB #818, “In Thee is Gladness”
Verse Hymn: LSB #459, “Christ Is Arisen”
Hymn of the Day: LSB #483, “With High Delight Let Us Unite”
Mother’s Day Hymn: LSB #862, “Oh, Blest the House”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #548, “Thanks to Thee, O Christ, Victorious”
LSB #782, “Gracious God, You Send Great Blessing”
LSB #469, “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”
LSB #920, “Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go”
Evening Hymn: LSB #880, “Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow” (5 PM Only)
Thanks & GOD Bless