O.B. Notes from May 19 Meeting

Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion on eulogies, not a worldly one, but one that points to Christ, our everlasting Lord.  When we die, we will wake to newness of life, through the grace and for the sake of Jesus.  May we share and tell of the greatness of God’s love, a eulogy pointing to life everlasting.

Those in attendance were the following members & guests:  Pastor & Marty, Bruce, Kathy, Rita, Christie, Vicar, & Dawn.

The Church Fellowship that O.B. is sponsoring Sunday, May 22, was planned with members bringing various food items to celebrate Armed Forces Day on May 21.  The list of Veterans from our Church, both living and deceased will be printed out and inserted in the Sunday bulletin.

Bobby Wirth’s name has been added to our Memorial Plaque that hangs in the Narthex.  Thanks to Bruce who had the engraving done to bring our Plaque up-to-date. 

Since there will not be another Stand Down this year, we will work with the Women’s Auxiliary Post 132 and Veterans Serving Veterans to fill food boxes for the holidays in November.  We have the opportunity to write an LWML Grant that could cover some of those expenses.  The boxes will be handed out to active military families and homeless and needy Veterans.

Communication from Nathaniel and Emma Nelson, missionaries in Germany, who minister to active military at Kaiserslautern Lutheran Church, was shared.  At some time in the future, we may support them in their work.  We plan to stay in touch with our adopted Chaplain, Aaron Bell at Camp Pendleton and send our prayers for him and his family.

We will be looking for new fundraisers for next year.  The Hawks are slowing down and can’t keep up the pace to hold a large pickle & jam sale every year.  Donations from our congregation have continued to sustain our chapter. 

Our June meeting will be Thurs., June 30 at 10:00 at the Church.

Pastor did a prayer for the families & friends of the four soldiers who were killed when the Osprey aircraft crashed during a NATO exercise in Norway.  Also, he prayed for Jesus to sustain us as we interact with our community and support the work of the Church.  

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