Our meeting opened with a devotion by Pastor Morehouse. Why does someone decide to serve? Sometimes it is selfless ideas of sacrifice or a calling from God. Many decisions are made to further educational dreams and to pay for schooling and experiences beyond their small town locale. With the pandemic and the World situation, many… Continue reading Notes from the Sept 24 Operation Barnabas Chapter Meeting
Author: catlutheran
LSB 659: Lord of Our Life – Michaeltide
Selected for the fourth part of Trinitytide. Overall, Trinitytide is the “Time of the Church,” with the overriding theme of the Father’s love. The fourth part of Trinitytide, namely Michaeltide, begins with Michaelmas, the September 29 Feast of St. Michael and All Angels; the theme is the struggle with Satan (Rev 12). Contents: Hymn textHymn… Continue reading LSB 659: Lord of Our Life – Michaeltide
LSB 655: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word – Trinitytide
Hymn Study for the 5th Sunday in May 2020, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word.
LSB 950: Splendor and Honor – Eastertide
Hymn Study for the 5th Sunday in March 2020, Splendor and Honor.
March for Life – Oracle
Join Catalina Lutheran Church’s Life Team for the March for Life – Oracle, Saturday March 7, 2020. Meet at Family First Pregnancy Care Center, 8AM, 1575 West American Ave, Oracle, AZ. Register for the March at http://familyfirstpcc.org/march_for_life/march_for_life_registration
List of items needed for OB Bag Packing
Operation Barnabas would like to ask the congregation to assist with collecting some hygiene items for the backpack care bags that get handed out to homeless and needy Veterans at the March 11 StandDown in Tucson. What is needed at this time includes small Kleenex packs, deodorant, hand sanitizer, wipes, mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, razors,… Continue reading List of items needed for OB Bag Packing
Notes from the January 30 meeting
The meeting began with Pastor’s devotion based on Psalm 46. In the Service there are many situations that call for strength and courage after experiencing calamity and horror. Pastor related an incident where a Sergeant witnessed a terrible accident, and he had to report for duty immediately after. He had to rely on the presence… Continue reading Notes from the January 30 meeting
LWML Spring Retreat 2020
On February 15th don’t miss this once-a-year chance to join women of Arizona in a special one-day retreat. Our guest speaker is Deb Burma, Christian author and sought-after leader of women’s conferences and retreats. Under the theme “Extravagant Love”, enjoy a continental breakfast, lunch, and a wonderful time of fellowship. Registration begins at 9:00 AM,… Continue reading LWML Spring Retreat 2020
2020 LWML ED AZ Zone Women’s Retreat
YOU ARE INVITED!Deb Burma has a passion for sharing Christ’s extravagant love in a creative, engaging style, meeting women in the moments of their everyday lives to engage them in God’s Word. Come experience a day with this sought-after speaker for women’s conferences and retreats. Join us on February 15th at Faith Lutheran Church, 3925… Continue reading 2020 LWML ED AZ Zone Women’s Retreat
Wreaths Across America 2019
Seven members of our Operation Barnabas Chapter laid wreaths on Veteran’s graves at Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Marana on Saturday morning, December 14. The ceremony before the wreaths were laid, involved wreaths being displayed for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, 1st Responders, and POW’s. Children led the Pledge–many were Boy & Girl… Continue reading Wreaths Across America 2019