OB Meeting 5/16/24

Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Old business Boyd will pick up the cake. Kathy will supplement with crackers/cheese/nuts or the like. Catalina Elks Lodge has offered us tables at their Veterans’ Day event. They are serving breakfast at their event. After brief discussion we decided to decline the offer, as we prefer to support… Continue reading OB Meeting 5/16/24

OB Meeting 4/25/24

Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Guest presentation: Soldier’s Best Friend Dawn introduced Leslie (representative) and Chris (client) from Soldier’s Best Friend. SBF locates, trains, and places service dogs with veterans who have PTSD/TBI, and trains the veterans to work and live with their service dogs. Leslie discussed the processes used by SBF, and the… Continue reading OB Meeting 4/25/24

OB Meeting 2/15/24

Our February meeting was held Thurs., February 15 at the Church.  Pastor opened with a devotion from Matthew 6:19-20.  We are not to lay up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven, where neither moths nor rust will destroy.  Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.  Details of the Stand… Continue reading OB Meeting 2/15/24

OB January Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened with the “Our Father.”  12 members were in attendance. In December there were 10 members from Catalina Lutheran that laid wreathes on graves at the Arizona Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Marana.  All 3,200 graves received a wreath.  This was part of the “Wreaths Across America” Program. Women Warriors has disbanded and… Continue reading OB January Meeting Notes

Veteran’s Day Photos

Operation Barnabas had a successful Pickle & Jam and bake sale at Claire’s Cafe.  Proceeds of $648 were raised and we served 28 Veterans with a free breakfast or lunch.  Pastor Morehouse led a meaningful service for Veterans that stressed the meaning of discipline in the service and in the Service to the Lord.  Everyone… Continue reading Veteran’s Day Photos

Notes from the O.B. Meeting Thurs, Aug 25

Those members who were present for the meeting included:  Bruce, Tammy, Laura, Pastor, Marty, Vicar, Christie, Boyd, and Dawn. Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion on friendship.  According to scripture, there are three possible objects of friendship:  another person, God or his Son, or someone else who follows Jesus.  The role of Operation Barnabas… Continue reading Notes from the O.B. Meeting Thurs, Aug 25