Looking back to the prophets and kings, they offered sacrifices, burnt offerings to the Lord. They did so for the forgiveness of sins. They offered the best portions of meat for a burnt offering to God the Father, and He forgave their sins.
While they had to do this, we do not. The sacrifice of Christ has covered us once and for all. When God looks at us, He sees the sacrifice of Christ, and our sins are atoned for by His Blood.
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Category: Sermons
God is her refuge, a strong tower
Today, God has assembled us to hear His Word of joy, comfort, peace, forgiveness, life and salvation. We are here, in good part, because God has continued to move the children of Colleen Rae Chaney to honor her. That you are in this Church building today provides genuine evidence that her children have called her blessed, even as the Proverbs declare.
Therefore, today, Colleen’s family you are free to behold, to be living testimonies to her blessedness.
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God opens ears and tongues to declare His praise
“Beautiful all things He has done and the deaf He makes to hear and the muddled of speech to speak” this far our text.
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Christians are so Blessed to Have God as our Help and Hope
This day is given to remind us that Christians are so blessed to have God as our Help. In Him we are free to find daily Hope. In Him, we receive true Worth, now and into eternity,
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Christ humbled Himself to exalt you
Our text for today’s meditation comes from the Gospel reading which you heard just moments ago, these words:
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Why was the Pharisee praying the way he was praying in our text this morning?
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The sacrifice of thanksgiving comes from grateful hearts
This week’s readings proclaim the difference, as seen from God’s all-knowing vantage point, between true God-pleasing worship as a response to His gifts and God-rejected worship that people attempt to give to God to move Him to act upon that which humans will, desire and covet. The readings declare God’s desires that His people, you, would worship Him in Spirit and Truth. The readings condemn mere outward religious acts, no matter how well they are performed. … click on the title above for more
Saint Bartholomew
What is the House of God?
Consider this: “If God’s so great, why does He need His people to worship Him? Is He insecure?” This taunt is one many of us have likely heard before. Like all taunts directed at the Most High, it reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of who God is, what happens in His House, and why we continue to show up day after day, month after month, year after year.
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Stewardship of God’s Means of Grace, Namely Forgiveness of Sins
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you may be justified in your words
and blameless in your judgment.
The meaning behind the parable of the poor steward
So, this morning we hear again this most puzzling of all the parables of Jesus. You can read through half a dozen or so commentaries on this parable and you’ll get at least that many interpretations.