The temple Sanctuary was made Holy by the very presence of God. It was the House of God where He resided on earth to be present and dwell with His people.
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Gospel Preaching – Bible Teaching – Tucson, AZ
The temple Sanctuary was made Holy by the very presence of God. It was the House of God where He resided on earth to be present and dwell with His people.
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Today’s Gospel reading certainly lays the groundwork for pastors answering the plea to see or hear Jesus. When we ponder the Lord’s Words that frame the Epiphany weeks, His appearance should become clearer to us. We begin that by considering how the Sundays of this season of growth and new life began today. We heard the Voice from Heaven say something like this:
This One remains My Son, the Beloved, in Whom I (am) well pleased. …For more, click on the title above
She (June) whom God, through His Word and Sacraments, empowered throughout her mortal life to stand firm in the Faith, has begun to receive the inheritance Jesus died to grant her.
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As we journey tonight to see the King of the Jews through this narrative, we can focus on who Christ is.
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Today, we have the revelation of the entire Old and New Testament. That calls us to remain faithful to the proclamation of Christ-crucified for the forgiveness of our sins.
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In our Old Testament lesson we hear about the great King David. He has accomplished much in his 30 some years as the King, first of Judah and then all of Israel. Led by God, David had defeated the Philistines and the Ammonites and was now settled in a palace within the walls of Jerusalem, or, as it was then called, the City of David.
Some might be satisfied with their accomplishments and be willing to sit back and bask in the luxury and glory of their palace. But David knew that all of what he had was accomplished through the Lord and he was compelled to give honor to God. The way he decided to do this was by building a house for the Lord….For more, click on the title above.
The reality is that darkness isn’t anything. It’s the absence of light. It isn’t some opposing force to light that can push up against and overcome the Light.
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On this holy night we cry out to God for deliverance from the evils about us.
We yearn for God’s hope, peace, joy, and love to surround us.
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The One John the Forerunner announces.
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Through these weeks, those who were attentive to readings, sermons, and hymns learned that all three “Adams” were and are truly gifts of God.
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