God is both merciful, in that he doesn’t punish us as our sins deserve and gracious, as He gives us so much more!
Category: Sermons
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body
“Why are we suffering in this present time?”
The Lord delights in steadfast loving kindness
Who is a God such as you?
Christ Won Our True Independence from Sin, Death, and Hell
Both Independence Day and Trinity III remind us of liberation from the rulers of this world.
Jesus Is Wisdom
Catechetical Instructions
The simple difference between Lazarus and the rich man
Jesus treats the Scriptures as they should be thought of—one
story—a story of redemption, a story of salvation—regardless of the season
God answers His people in their times of Distress
Rogate (Pray) Sunday finds some of its roots in the Church’s attempts to turn converts to Christianity away from pagan practices.
Sing for Joy to God
Today, we have sung, as one voice – which is what the Greek word behind the English, “symphony,” means – as we called out to all earth to “Shout for joy!”