Holy Week Tuesday
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Gospel Preaching – Bible Teaching – Tucson, AZ
Holy Week Tuesday
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Stations of the Cross
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The Letter to the Philippians today began with this call to the faithful:
All of you must continue to think among yourselves, that which also (was) in Christ Jesus…:
From that call for the members of the congregation to be of one mind in the Truth that as Christ became a humble Servant for us, we are free to be humble servants to our neighbors. With that in mind, we were led to hear the lines that follow the call to be of one mind in the Church. …For more, click on the title above
Holy Saturday – Resurrection Vigil
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Jesus, in the Gospel reading for today, speaks one Word, τετέλεσται [Tetelestai] (“it is finished!”). This He does before voluntarily handing over the Spirit. With one Koine (common) Greek Word, Jesus declared that all the Scripture that had prophesied of the Christ to that point in time had been completed. That means that Jesus finished all God’s just demands, for you….For more, click on the title above.
Good Friday – Tenebrae
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Good Friday – Chief Service
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On this Maundy Thursday, we are in what we in this place call, “the year of the Gospel.” From that, we have heard of Jesus, the Master Who still serves His servants. We have heard of Him washing His disciples. In that, He reveals Himself to be the Lord and Teacher Who wills to serve His followers by cleansing them. From that, we can learn that He Who serves His people desires His people to serve one another….For more, click on the title above.
Maundy Thursday
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Our eternal life won for us on the Cross by our Savior Jesus Christ is precisely why we call this week holy. The many ways we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ all pour out from our own reality as those who are forgiven, redeemed, and future citizens of the Heavenly City. …For more, click on the title above.