United in the promise of their Resurrection inheritance

The sermon for this celebration of Ryan and Jessica’s one-flesh union in Christ is drawn from the inspired readings chosen for today. Those have been entering our ears through the Lord’s Service. In addition, from our mouths, by means of the hymns Ryan and Jessica chose for us to sing this day, we have also been proclaiming God’s Good News to one another. From and out of all of that which is in the Lord’s Service to us today, we are now led into hearing this joyful day’s central theme text:
No longer (do) they remain two, but one flesh. That which the God has yoked together, man must not separate. …For more, click on the title above.

Truly special people in the eyes of the Lord

Make A Joyful Noise 4 by Mark Jennings

Today’s ancient order of readings points you, the believer, to the sure and certain hope that the central message of Holy Scripture declares. This is another Sunday, among the 52 each year, that is God’s gift to you. This day is especially for you who are numbered among the people continually confessing Christ-crucified for the forgiveness of all your sins….For more, click on the title above.

The beautiful shepherd of the soul

Jesus Christ Good Shepherd by Bernardo Ramonfaur

What is the traditional nickname for this Sunday of the Church Year?
Yes, it is, “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we are seen before God as sheep who have strayed—sinners all—and yet have been led back to the courtyard of the Faith by none other than Jesus Himself. That is the heart of today’s message, founded upon the eternal reality that the Beautiful Shepherd, Jesus, once laid down His life for us, then was raised from the dead, for us, for you!…For more, click on the title above.

Christ’s death took away the sting of death for the faithful

Many of you have heard this morning’s reading from I Corinthians each Resurrection Sunday morning for many years. Today, you will sing of it with words like these: Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free, is sacrificed… You also might have thought, “Hey! This day is about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. What is this about a sacrificed Lamb?”…For more, click on the title above.

As Christ died for all, so He died for me

Jesus Mafa art project of Cameroon

Our sermon text for Good Friday has been drawn from the Letter to the Church at Corinth. Please hear now a verse the Holy Spirit has led us to emphasize this day, this year:
The One not having known sin, for us sin He was made, that we may have become (the) righteousness of God in Him. …For more, click on the title above.

The beautiful divine Word received and handed over

Jesus Washes the Feet of His Disciples by Alida Bothma

Hear again how the Mystery taught and given by Christ Jesus for this Triduum begins, as it leads you, its hearers, to continue to make the good confession of the Faith:
For I received from the Lord, that which also I handed over to all of you…
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A beautiful hymn concerning the humble servant-king

Our Lord’s Entry Into Jerusalem by Christopher Gosey

The Letter to the Philippians today began with this call to the faithful:
All of you must continue to think among yourselves, that which also (was) in Christ Jesus…:

From that call for the members of the congregation to be of one mind in the Truth that as Christ became a humble Servant for us, we are free to be humble servants to our neighbors. With that in mind, we were led to hear the lines that follow the call to be of one mind in the Church. …For more, click on the title above

God’s Beautiful Kingdom Comes Through the Gospel

The Sword by Paul Kaleb DB

As we repeatedly hear from this pulpit, the proclamation of peace between God and man that Jesus died to bring continues to move sinners like you and me to repentance. The peace that Jesus won on the Cross continues to grant Divine forgiveness to us.

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