Why Christmas: The New Adam?

New Adam by Annabelle DeBono

Through these weeks, those who were attentive to readings, sermons, and hymns learned that all three “Adams” were and are truly gifts of God.
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Free to Always Rejoice in the Lord’s Comfort

Comfort Ye My People by Jacob Kainen

Rejoice, for you believe that the Kingdom of heaven is near wherever Christ is Present. His enduring Word is here for you. His promises are true for you, and for all
people who will hear and believe the Word of God…
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Beautifully Built Into One In the Consolation of Christ

Look He's Coming with The Clouds by Anthony Falbo

Today’s texts … serve to turn the faithful hearers to what God calls us to do as we await that Day of Judgement. That is, we are called to be beautifully built into one. This is done for the faithful as we hear of ourconsolation in Christ. That becomes ours as our lamps continue to be filled with the oil God gives, His Word and Sacraments which He uses to illuminate our lives with the Light of Salvation.
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Given a Love for Jesus

While in her mortal flesh, Linda lived without fear concerning her eternal home. That is because she knew, believed, and lived her life following Christ.
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Unity in the struggle against Satan

Armor of God by Jesus Marin

Today’s readings have been proclaimed in St. Michaeltide. This is the time of year when the members of the Church are particularly called by the weekly lectionary texts to remember that Satan has been cast out of heaven. We behold him as a fierce, though defeated enemy. While that is a frightening prospect, it also can be comforting for the faithful to annually hear that Satan can no longer accuse them before God….For more, click on the title above.