
Sower Went Out to Sow mural in Brasov, Romania


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Compassionate Employer

Moses striking the Rock by He Qi

…But this heavenly reward is not based on the earthly system of earnings. Jesus says, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
Click on the above title to hear the full Sermon.


Moses striking the Rock by He Qi


…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

New Exodus

Moses striking the Rock by He Qi

In the reading today we can see the rebellious Israelites and their unpure desires deserving of death. Yet, by grace they were given life-giving water. Israel was on the path from a broken creation to a new creation. But to fully see what was happening in the reading, we need to start with what happened leading up to their encampment at Rephidim….For more, click on the title above.

Blind Beggars All

Love is Patient by Jen Norton

In today’s readings we hear of a God that is supernatural—that surpasses our conception of nature and her cycle. Promises of plenty, healing, peace, and virtuous attributes that extend beyond man’s life under heaven echo throughout time and place in each of the three texts. These Words we hear today are the waters that come flooding into our parched souls and bring true healing to our death-wracked bodies. It is not the nature of our God to leave empty things empty… For more, click on the title above

Soil Science

Parable of the Sower by Michael Mize

I’m sure you’ve heard this constantly, but it bears repeating: the Word does not change. Jesus does not change, the Word of God does not change, and the message of the Scriptures does not change. What is different in these four instances are the people to whom these Words are preached.

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The parable of the Sower: A lesson for us

Parable of the Sower by Michael Mize

The parable from today’s appointed Gospel is not hard to understand. The farmer scatters seed in the expectation that some will take root, grow and bear a harvest. Because that’s what farmers do. Now, along the way, some stuff happens to the seed:
• Some are snatched by birds.
• Some get parched and die.
• Some get choked by weeds.
For more, click on the title above.