The peace that surpasses every human mind

Women's Prayer Meeting by Marietjie Henning

Today, that you might hear what the assembled pastors and other professional Church workers heard at Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zionsville, IN, the text of that sermon with be soon proclaimed from this pulpit. This is, in part, because pastors that are called to this congregation are responsible to inform our members of that which we are asked to proclaim elsewhere.
Before that, though, it can be helpful for us to remember that, during this week of the Church Year, God’s Word leads us into an annual time that is specifically set aside for prayer. …For more, click on the title above.

Easter 6_2024

Women's Prayer Meeting by Marietjie Henning

Easter 6

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

God builds His church

Icon of Saints Phillip and James. Source unknown.

Today the Christian Church remembers two pieces of this foundation: St. Philip and St. James. Through his prophets and apostles, God laid the foundation. God built the house, every wall, room, and floor on the Cornerstone of Christ Jesus, not with brick and mortar, but with his holy precious blood and his innocent suffering and death. …For more, click on the title above.

OB Meeting 4/25/24

Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Guest presentation: Soldier’s Best Friend Dawn introduced Leslie (representative) and Chris (client) from Soldier’s Best Friend. SBF locates, trains, and places service dogs with veterans who have PTSD/TBI, and trains the veterans to work and live with their service dogs. Leslie discussed the processes used by SBF, and the… Continue reading OB Meeting 4/25/24

Kyrie Eleison

Oh Sing To The Lord by Holly Monroe

what is this week in the Easter season? Cantate Sunday. Cantate is Latin for sing; so that makes this Singing Sunday. This name is based on the incipit of the Introit (which we learned about in Bible class a few weeks ago) for this Sunday which comes from Psalm 98, “Oh sing to the Lord a new song.”…For more, click on the title above.