Be of good courage, your sins are forgiven

Arise, Take Your Bed and Walk by Yongsung Kim

Be of good courage, your sins are forgiven! Today we sinners who have responded to God’s call to come to Him for rest and peace have neither neglected nor despised His Word. That is one reason why you each and all are present in this His Divine Service.
As part of our response to and preparation for hearing God’s Word, we have collectively prayed that God would, for the sake of His mercy, be gracious to us. In that, we were echoing the unspoken petition of a paralytic and those bearing him before Jesus long ago. …For more, click on the title above.

90 days of prayer: Day 43

The 19th week after Trinity Jesus’ incarnation secures for us life, forgiveness and healing              Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023 – O Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Who sent Your Son to be the light of the world in Whom is life and Whose light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it; just… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 43

Trinity_19 2023

Arise, Take Your Bed and Walk by Yongsung Kim

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.