Trinity_3 2023

Lost Coin - Lost Sheep by Nelly Bube

Third Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

God still desires to seek the lost and join them at His table

Lost Coin - Lost Sheep by Nelly Bube

Twice in today’s Gospel reading Jesus teaches, through perfect application of Law and Gospel, those who were grumbling against Him among themselves. They were doing so on account of His welcoming and eating with known sinners. He uses parables to reveal the divine doctrine that was behind His welcoming and having table fellowship with sinful people. The two illustrations Jesus uses, the first that declares a shepherd’s joy over finding a lost sheep, and the second that speaks of a householder’s joyous reaction when finding a coin she had lost, Jesus divinely uses to reveal the joy that God has whenever even one sinner repents of his or her sins and wills to turn from them. …For more, click on the title above.

LSB 658 Preserve Your Word, O Savior

LSB icon used with permission. (C) Concordia Publishing House

We have chosen LSB 658, Preserve Your Word, O Savior, as our Johntide seasonal hymn for AD 2023. The cycle of the Trinity season begins with the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptizer (June 24). It continues until the Commemoration of Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr (August 10).  The specific focus during Johntide is… Continue reading LSB 658 Preserve Your Word, O Savior

What happens in God’s Divine Service

Tree of Life: 2023 Vacation Bible School Logo

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, throughout today’s Divine Service, you will hear teaching points on just what is happening, has happened, and primarily what is about to happen in the service. All Vicars here at Catalina do such a service, as it helps us know just what is happening, and also prepares us for a congregation that perhaps has yet to recover the treasury of certain parts of the service, or perhaps just don’t know why they do what they do. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_2 2023

Tree of Life: 2023 Vacation Bible School Logo

Second Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.