Operation Barnabas would like to ask the congregation to assist with collecting some hygiene items for the backpack care bags that get handed out to homeless and needy Veterans at the March 11 StandDown in Tucson. What is needed at this time includes small Kleenex packs, deodorant, hand sanitizer, wipes, mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, razors, and lotion. Also needed are snacks like peanuts, crackers, and health bars. For entertainment, we usually include puzzle books, playing cards, and mechanical pencils. White crew socks are also included. We pack 50 adult bags. Faith Lutheran’s O.B. Chapter is supplying the 15 children’s bags that get handed out at this Stand Down. We appreciate whatever can be donated and dropped off in the O.B. boxes in the Narthex.
Items should be brought to the church by February 23rd.
Remember that we collect used clothing and household supplies all year long for homeless and needy Veterans. We are blessed to be able to help so many military members through your efforts.
I have 50 decks of playing cards to drop off for the March 2020 Stand down.