Hymns for July 4, 2021

Sunday, July 4, 2021, Hymns
5th Sunday after Trinity (LSB Divine Service – Setting 4)

Hymn of Invocation: LSB #589, “Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens”
Hymn of the Day: LSB #688, “’Come, Follow Me,’ the Savior Spake”
Johntide Hymn: LSB #909, “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation”
Distribution Hymns: LSB #408, “Come, Join in Cana’s Feast”
LSB #856, “O Christ, Who Called the Twelve”
LSB #765, “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”
LSB #651, “I Love Your Kingdom Lord”
Evening Hymn: LSB #885, “I Lie, O Lord, within Your Care” (5 PM Only)

Please note the above links will open a separate window with an MP3 recording of the hymn from a shared Google folder.  You can also access additional information related to the composer history, hymn texts, scripture references, additional recordings, and much more related to the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), available at Hymnary.org.


  1. Just wondering what the significance is of a “Johntide Hymn?” Used at Catalina Lutheran Church.

  2. Gerry –
    I’m glad you asked. Several years ago we began to use the time after the offertory to sing a hymn that focuses on whatever is the current season of the church year. It might seem similar to a Hymn of the Month – which among other things can introduce new hymns to the congregation. But rather than changing the hymns monthly, we change them with the season. It allows us to declare in unison what God is doing for His people, and to do so in an intentional way that connects us to the times of the year observed throughout the world, generation after generation.
    Like the other Seasonal Hymns, our Johntide Hymn was selected because it underscores the theme of the season, which is the clear declaration of Law and Gospel as a Mark of the Church. If you’d like to read more, see https://catalinalutheran.org/blog/2021/07/19/lsb-909-christ-is-made-the-sure-foundation/
    Peace be with you and may God bless you as you sing His praises.
    – Deacon Tom

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