OB Meeting 2/15/24

Our February meeting was held Thurs., February 15 at the Church.  Pastor opened with a devotion from Matthew 6:19-20.  We are not to lay up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven, where neither moths nor rust will destroy.  Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. 

Details of the Stand Down on March 13 at the Ramada Inn on 777 Cushing St. were discussed.  All of our goody bags, Bibles, banners, cookies, and glasses will be ready for set-up at 8:00 A.M. on Wednesday before the opening ceremony at 9:00 A.M.  O.B. has requested two display tables and 8 chairs (more can be added).  Other Lutheran Churches in the area have committed to donating cash and hygiene items for our resource bags.  All donations will be complete by March 3.  Kathy, Mary Jane, and Dawn will be responsible for sorting, counting, and purchasing any needed items before we pack the bags on March 7 at 1:00 at the Church.  We are hopeful to have at least 10 attendees from our group to talk, visit and pray with participants.  Food will be provided for breakfast and lunch and water is available all day.  

I will be attending the Arizona Coalition for Military Families on April 17 & 18 in Phoenix (hoping to receive a scholarship for the tuition ($354).  I will be staying in Phoenix and driving there the day before the conference.  I hope to connect with a lot of other resources for Veterans.  This will be my 8th year of attendance.  It is a statewide gathering of all assistance for Veterans.

Recently, I needed to do a rewrite of the LWML Grant that I wrote for Operation Barnabas that will be voted on at the Detroit Conference in April.  The original grant listed that the Women Warriors would be the recipient of the $3,000 of food & gift cards that we were applying for.  Since the Women Warrior’s Group disbanded, the recipient will now be the CDCE (Center for Development and Civic Engagement) at the V.A.  

A decision was made to donate some of our extra Bibles to Sister Jose’s Women’s Center on Park Ave.  It is expanding its facilities to house more unhoused, troubled, and needy women (some are Veterans).  We have donated readers and sunglasses earlier and now we hope to share the Word with them. 

The next meeting will be held on Thurs., April 25 at 1:00 at the Church.  Our bag-packing on March 7 will count as our monthly meeting.

Pastor closed  with a prayer for continued blessings on our work with Veterans.

In His Service,


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