Day 4: Saturday, March 4 O Lord, you are my shepherd and because of that, I know I shall not want for things of this world. You will sustain me with what I need. Help me to convert that truth into a trust that overflows with gifts for you and your Gospel, here at Catalina… Continue reading Day 4: 96 Days of Prayer
Author: catlutheran
Day 3: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 3: Friday, March 3 Lord of the Church, it is our desire to serve you through this campaign to build new worship space that will serve as a legacy in Christ crucified. We ask you to shower blessings upon us at Catalina Lutheran that we may more boldly serve you. We confess that anything… Continue reading Day 3: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 2: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 2: Thursday, March 2 O God, you know me inside and out. Your Holy Spirit searches my soul. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me so that I might serve you in the church universal and in our congregation here at Catalina, through Christ, who has given to… Continue reading Day 2: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 1: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 766 – Our Father Who From Heaven Above (LSB) Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1 Heavenly Father, Lord of the Church, we begin this monumental task of expanding and renovating our facilities to better carry out your mission and ministry at Catalina Lutheran Church. We pray as we begin this season of Lent… Continue reading Day 1: 96 Days of Prayer
Notes from the Operation Barnabas Meeting February 21, 2017
Pastor Morehouse opened the meeting with a devotion about the Beatitudes. We are being led by Jesus Mercy and Comfort through the Holy Spirit to minister to those who suffer, grieve, or flounder in doubt or in life. We are to be living witnesses to the new life that Jesus Christ has assured us through… Continue reading Notes from the Operation Barnabas Meeting February 21, 2017
Wednesday Lenten Series
Below are the readings for the Lenten Season 2017. Services will be at both 10:30am and 7pm each Wednesday. There should be soup supper at 6pm each week beginning March 8th, but be sure to check the sign-up sheet on Sundays (or call the office) for availability.
Christmas – New Year Services
Minutes of O.B. Meeting Nov. 29, 2016
Dear Members & Friends, Pastor Palmer opened our meeting with a devotion that gives us hope that we will never be separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, whether it be death, war, evil rulers, or anything else in all creation. If God is for us, who can be against us?… Continue reading Minutes of O.B. Meeting Nov. 29, 2016
Bag Packing
Our Operation Barnabas Chapter… readying the bags for Tucson HopeFest October 22…
Reformation Festival
You are invited…